Sunday, 18 December 2011

Chocolate Ganache Recipe

Despite Ganache being one of the best frostings you can put on a cake it is rarely used. Why? Most people are either not aware of how to make if or which recipe to use?

There are many different versions of the same recipe, the changes being mostly in the proportion of chocolate used.

It is important to always use good quality chocolate and not chocolate chips. Ganache can be expensive or in-expensive depending on the quality of chocolate you use.  I use chocolate that I like to eat. 

Below I am sharing with you my versions of Ganache that I use depending on how and what I want to use it for?
The difference in chocolate quantity is because -
As a filling you want it to be soft and easy to spread at the same time not to heavy to eat. While;
As a frosting over the cake you don't want it to be too soft to pipe or spread or melt.  Ganache works best under fondant cakes.

Dark Chocolate Ganache - I prefer to use bittersweet or 80% coco but you can use milk, semi-sweet or bitter-sweet. All work well and the only difference is the taste based on the chocolate you use.
As a filling in between layers - Use 1 cup heavy cream to 2 cups of dark chocolate and 2 tbsp. of butter.
As a frosting over the cake - Use 1 cup heavy cream to 3 cups of dark chocolate and 2 tbsp. of butter.

White Chocolate Ganache - I find white chocolate way too sweet - so unless the recipient is ok with it, I prefer not to use it.
As a  filling -Use 1 cup heavy cream to 3 cups of white chocolate no butter (white chocolate is just coco butter after all)
As a Frosting – Use 1 cup heavy cream to 4 cups of white chocolate

Making GanacheBreak chocolate in a microwave safe bowl, pour the cream over.
Heat in the microwave for a min on high. Stir well.
Continue to heat in microwave at 30 sec intervals until you have a smooth mix. Add butter if using any.

Using Ganache Its best to let the Ganache sit at room temperature or fridge for at least a couple of hours ( I usually keep overnight)
When you need to use - bring it to room temperature and use as needed.

How I like to use Ganache I prepare my recipes as for filling.
When cooled I use as much as I need in between layers as a filling.

Whip the balance in a K-mix or whisk (like you normally do whipped cream) it will turn a light brown color. DO NOT OVER WHIP as it will be difficult to spread.
Spread the whipped Ganache over the cake as frosting.

Result - Dark chocolate Ganache filling in between the two cake layers and a light brown chocolate Ganache frosting covering the cake.
A cake in shades of browns and of course incredibly tasty.

Note: If ever you do over-whip your Ganache. Just add 1 or 2 tbsp. of warm cream or milk and mix thoroughly with the back of your spoon. You may deflate some of the whip but that’s what you want. It will be smooth and creamy again.  Trust me.

Dark Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes.

Milk Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes (sorry the picute is a bit bright)

Storing Ganache covered cakes -
Ganache can be kept at room temperature for about three days. As you can see the quantity of chocolate in Ganache is so high that you do not need to refrigerate your cake, which makes it an ideal frosting under fondant. However, if you have another perishable filling with your Ganache or have used more cream you might want to be safe and stick it in the fridge.

Below is a video that shows me covering a Ganache cake with Fondant. Watch how easy it is to work with.

I hope I managed to take some confusion off with regards to Ganache.
Until next time, Happy Baking

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Veena Azmanov
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